
How NFTs are used in EF Defense?

  • Date : 2023.12.23 19:40

Hello, this is We Make Miracles, Weracle.


Today we will talk about how NFTs are useful in our games. The 2nd game to introduce is EF Defense.


1. How to Link to the Wallet?

Open the game app and go to [Castle — Trade Port]. Then Click to the Union Button.




First, you need Weracle Wallet installed. Click Go to open your wallet.


* IF you don’t have the Wallet app in the same device as the game, just click Union Registration.


Now open the Wallet App & go to setting ‘Link Game’. When you click the LINK button with a game in the Wallet app, a unique authentication number will be generated. Open the game app again, then enter the wallet address & the verification number on the in-game pop up message.


  • Wallet Address is on the main page of the Wallet App.


Once you click register button, it’s all done!




Now once you are linked to EF Defense, let’s see how NFTs are used in the game.


2. Stellar Nexus — NFT content within EF Defense


What’s Stellar Nexus?

It’s a content that allows you to combine NFT heroes to receive various buffs. Most important thing! Stellar Nexus is only available on servers registered with the Trade Port Alliance.


You can find it next to Trade Port (in the Castle menu). You will find all your NFT cards when you click refresh button on the bottom right corner.

When you click Altar, that’s where you can use your NFT hero cards.


When the cards are used, you can’t trade them in the Wallet.


You can use up to 7 cards per category. There are 4 Categories — Battle, Harvest, Slaughter, Arena. The best is to put the one of each tribe with the highest ranking. The combination of the heroes will give different kinds of buffs.

When you want to unlock the slot, you need 1,000 diamonds (the price may change). When you want to remove the card from the slot, you need 100 diamonds.




The hightest ranking is 5. When you place 5 star card then you will receive the maximum buff of each slot.


Let’s see some examples,


  • If you put two human tribes — 2 star & 3 star = 5 star buff

  • If you put two human tribes — 2 star & 4 star = it’s still 5 star buff.

  • In both cases, you have used up 2 slots out of 6 slots.





Battle & Arena Buffs will give you higher level when you play Campaigns, Conquests, Arena Contents. You will play with higher level different toyour current game level. (* Battle Buffs are only effective to campaigns & conquests.)

Harvest Buffs helps you to harvest more golds, mana & soul stones.

Slaughter Buffs will give you higher level when you play Goblin/Ghost/Frog/Armadilo Elimination Contents.




So you will need 4 cards of 5 star Heroes per tribe. We are going to keep on creating more NFT bases content that could be make the game more fun.


The NFT Hero cards can help high level users to play the game more aggressively.

For players who are new, it would make it more easier to adapt to the game. You can jump to high level really fast if you have the 5 star ranking cards.


Those who doesn’t play the game, you don’t need to play the game. Just download the Weracle Wallet App to receive one free NFT per game. You can trade them and earn WERAC.Weracle(WERAC) will soon be listed on a centralized exchange (CEX).


You can install the wallet by simply searching for “Weracle Wallet” on the Google Play Store. LINK


If you have any questions, leave a comment or email to


Thank you, WERACLE


WERACLE Games in Live service now <EF Defense> <Endless Frontier> <Gray Ward> <Weracle Wallet>


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